VCSD Recorder Settings dialog box has three tabs. The tab that you last used will be active when the Recorder Settings dialog box appears.

The first time you adjust the Recorder settings, the Base Folder and Template tab will be shown by default. To select any of the Recorder Settings tabs, click the tab with its name.

Fig 01 - Recorder settings dialog box with three tabs

Three tabs in the Recorder Settings dialog box:

  1. Base Folder and Template tab

    Changes the settings on the name rule and the place to save the new recording files automatically.

  2. Encoders tab

    Chooses which encoder you want to use to record files.

  3. Autostart tab

    Chooses to start the Recorder automatically.


• To apply the new settings and close the Recorder Settings dialog box, click OK.

• To close the Recorder Settings dialog box without performing any changes, click Cancel.