VCSD has a built-in Parody Maker. Click the Parody button on the main panel to open Parody Maker dialog box.

Fig 01 - Parody Maker dialog box

Parody Maker dialog box allows you to add a voice as a parody, record your voice, and select the parodies you want to use for Parody Mixer.


• There is one built-in parody group in VCSD: the Default group. This group has eight built-in parodies: Female_celebrity, Male_celebrity, Female_politician, Male_politician, Bush, Rice, Angela, and Brad.

• When Parody Maker is running, all morphing processes will be paused. They will be resumed after you close Parody Maker.

• VCSD Parody Maker only support .wav file to be imported as a parody.

• Parody Maker is not included in VCSD when it is in Game mode.