The two most important parameters of a human voice are the Pitch and the Timbre, whose combinations will create the differences of each voice. A woman's voice and a boy's voice may be at the same pitch, but they are not sound alike. This is because their voices' timbres are different. With the help of VCSD you can adjust the pitch and the timbre of voice, that way you can change the age and the gender of the voice output.

Fig 01 - Voice Morpher pane    [Main panel]

The Voice Morpher pane comprises the Pitch and Timbre graph and the Advanced Tune. Click the On/Off (1) button to turn the Voice Morpher on. When the On/Off button (1) is yellow, Voice Morpher pane is ready for use.

Below is the explanation of all controls on Voice Mopher pane in detail:


- Use the Advanced Tune to improve the quality of the output.

- You can load a preset nickvoice from the Nickvoices menu first, then use Voice Morpher to change its settings.

- You can set a hot key for Voice Morpher feature for quick modulations of your voice.