The Voice Equalizer module is used to make modifications on voice’s characteristics individually especially on timbre and pronunciation peculiarities. When combined with other compulsory effects (e.g. with the pitch morphing), this feature allows users to set a wide variety of voice color regardless of the source signal.

Fig 01 - Voice Equalizer tab     [Advanced panel]

To use the Voice Equalizer tab, click the Voice Equalizer tab on the Advanced Effects panel. Click the ON/OFF button (1) to activate the Voice Equalizer feature. If the ON/OFF button is red, it is activated.

Voice Equalizer module has two sub panes: Voice Equalizer and Robot Voice.

There are three buttons on Voice Equalizer tab. They have an overall impact on the two sub panes.


• Voice Equalizer layout file is saved in VEQ format.

• You can set a hot key to quickly enable/disable the Voice Equalizer tab.

Voice Equalizer is not available when VCSD is in Game mode.