Sound Quality module is used to limit the permissible value of the processed signal amplitude and to lessen all the background noises while leaving useful signal for the most part intact.

Fig 01 - Sound Quality tab     [Advanced panel]

To use the Sound Quality module, click the Sound Quality tab on the Advanced Effects panel. Click the ON/OFF (1) button to activate the Sound Quality module. If the ON/OFF button is red, it is activated.

Sound Quality module has two sub panes: Limiter and Noise Reduction.


The Sound Quality tab is on the right of the Advanced panel, use the Scroll right button to scroll to the tab.

There are three buttons on Sound Quality tab. They make an overall impact on the two sub panes.


• Sound quality layout files are saved in .sndq file.

• You can set a hot key to quickly enable/disable the Sound Quality tab.

Sound Quality is not available when VCSD is in Game mode.